Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Heart Man Synopsis


Hunter Robinson and Humphrey Robinson are twin brothers. Hunter is a Mathematics teacher, while Humphrey is a Surgeon (Doctor). Their mother Mummy Robinson favours Hunter over Humphrey. She believes in her son Hunter and defends him no matter what. On the other hand, Humphrey fights for attention from his mother. Everytime he tries he fails miserably.

The story starts with a flashback where Humphrey is seen with a bloody knife in his hand, but because both him and Hunter are an identical twin, it makes it difficult to differentiate who really got arrested. The official story starts with Hunter in class teaching mathematics. He poses a mathematical question on the board to his students and both Chris and Tito responds incorrectly. The other students did not respond because they did not know the answer to the question either. Hunter informs them that because no one knew the answer to the question they would be having lessons that evening. This however, brings the class to an end and the scene as well.

Humphrey is seen tending to one of his patients name Susan McCastie. She is a recovering heart patient. His wife Michelle Robinson calls him and informs him to go for the children that evening. Eventually, after a long dialogue Humphrey finally gives in to his wife's resquest and acknowledges that he will pick up their children. Humphrey informs Nurse Pace that he is leaving early and if they are any messages, alert him on them. Humphrey is not seen picking up his two daughters because they are already in the car, but he is seen entering the Lodge school to collect his son. On approaching the school hall, Humphrey runs into his brother Hunter. Hunter is surprised to see him, but they converse with each other while Humphrey's son Ramiah approaches his father and uncle. Humphrey and Hunter said their goodbyes as Humphrey walks away, looking back at Hunter in intervals.

Hunter goes to his mathematics lessons and leaves as soon it has finished. The students leaves before Hunter leaves the premises. Dwayne Husbands is seen at this point walking pass the cane fields. He is grabbed by the Heart Man and stabbed in the back. His heart is carefully taken out of his chest. Dwayne Husbands is pulled into the middle of the cane fields, while his heart is rested on his chest. The next day it is heard on the radio that 13 year old Dwayne Husbands appears to be missing since the day in front. Hunter is questioned by the principal of the Lodge school as to what happened after lessons. However, two days later missing Dwayne turned out to be killed practically near the Lodge school in the cane fields. He was found by students of the Lodge school that were playing.

This killing of students continue as another was killed and and another student was almost killed. This eventually after the second killing became very fishy that Hunter was suspected to killing his students. Hunter is arrested numerous times. He is caught trying to kill Sheldon Norris, another student from the Lodge school. This student complains to his mother before his mother makes a complain to the police. Hunter then is officially arrested where shortly afterwards he is released on bail. He goes home to find Humphrey in his home. Humphrey makes it known from the beginning of their conversation that he is the Heart Man, shortly after pulling out the butcher knife. Humphrey talk about both killings and why he did it to begin with. He blames everyone for his actions excluding himself. Hunter throughout all this has Stephen listening in on their conversation after he pressed his last call button on his cell phone in his pocket. Stephen quickly goes to the police station to inform them on Hunter's case. Both Lieutenant Barry and Sergeant Larry with Stephen listen in on the conversation as Lieutenant Barry drives quickly to Hunter's house.

On the police's arrival along with Stephen they found both Chris and Tito on the ground with Humphrey holding the knife in his right hand. Tito is stabbed in his right foot. The ambulance arrives as Stephen rushes into the house to find his friend Hunter lying unconsciously on the floor in a pool of blood. Stephen alerts the ambulance to come quickly to Hunter's assistance and Tito, Chris and Hunter is taken to the hospital. Mummy Robinson goes to see her son Hunter and Michelle Robinson, Humphrey's wife goes to see Humphrey and comfront him on what she heard and saw he did. Three months later Chris is at home recovering, Tito getting better and Hunter is on bed rest. On the other hand, Humphrey Robinson gets life in prison.


I love the story because it is easy to follow.

It causes you to have mixed emotions when hearing and reading it.

I love the way the characters were development.

The rivalry between Humphrey and Hunter was good. As well as the rivalry with Humphrey and Humphrey because they were times when he had issues in general and with himself that Hunter was totally unaware of.

The relationship between Hunter and his students.

The relationship between Humphrey and his patients and the staff at the hospital.

The level of respect that both Humphrey and Hunter got from the community and persons from their respected jobs.

The way that these two men have different jobs, one a teacher and the other a doctor, and the one a doctor is jealous of the one who is a teacher.

Mummy Robinson should go to Humphrey in prison and confront him about his twin brother and the shooting of his dad.

Show students' reactions towards Hunter being the Heart Man and Chris's and Tito's reactions.

Have Humphrey look totally innocent; helping his brother supplying a lawyer for him, maybe his wife Michelle to prove his brother's innocence.

Make Hunter look guilty as possible.

First time when I mention Hunter as the Heart Man, indicate from the journalist that the police is calling the man doing these killings as the Heart Man.

I gave away the killer too early.

Second last scene
Mummy Robinson goes and see Hunter in the hospital. She never goes to see Humphrey in prison. This is not realistic at all. She ought to feel some sort of pain and sadness for him because he is her son and it would reflect bad on her.

When Hunter stays home, show the students' reactions maybe when the principal informs them that their teacher, Hunter Robinson, will not be at class. I should have seen especially Chris's and Tito's responds. I should have also seen their reaction when they called each other up and see them defending Hunter to their parents.

Stephen the lawyer should not be apart or in the script. Since Michelle is also a lawyer in the script and she is Hunter's sister-in-law, then she should have automatically become Hunter's lawyer. It shows further conflict and intense on both Hunter and Humphrey and also on Michelle, Mummy Robinson and somewhat the children.

Usually police gives names to crimes; especially, when it is so crucial. This can be indicated at the point of the second similar killing even if Hunter is not mentioned as yet.

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