Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pointers In The Heart Man Story

1) Flashback of the ending of the story
2) Humphrey handcuffed by police
3) Humphrey pushed into police vehicle
4) Hunter teaching Mathematics in classroom
5) Hunter asks students mathematical question
6) Chris Marville and Tito Mosquito respond incorrectly
7) Humphrey is seen monitoring patient's heart
8) Michelle calls Humphrey
9) Humphrey alludes to Nurse Pace of his early leaving
10) Nurse Pace okays it
11) Humphrey picks up his son from the Lodge school
12) Humphrey shouts brother
13) Hunter and Humphrey converse
14) Hunter acknowledges his leaving
15) Humphrey leaves and takes home the children

16) Hunter is informed that one of his students is missing
17) Hunter's principal questions him on the missing boy
18) Students found the missing boy's body- dead
19) Hunter is questioned by the police
20) Police report goes out on Dwayne Husbands' dead body
21) Humphrey hears the news
22) Nurse Pace asks Doctor Humphrey questions
23) Hunter receives a call from concerned Humphrey
24) Hunter and Humphrey converse
25) Hunter stays back at school to plan lessons for the next day
26) Hunter sees Tony Boyce waiting for parents
27) Hunter calls Tony's mother, Harriet Boyce
28) Hunter converse with Tony's mother
29) Hunter nods at Guard Kevin
30) Guard Kevin nods back
31) Hunter drives off and drops off Tony by his mother's workplace
32) Tony is grabbed and murdered
33) Tony's body is found
34) Tony's mother is contacted
35) Police is called in
36) Hunter is called in to police station
37) Hunter leaves the police station after questioning
38) Hunter's brother calls him
39) Hunter calls his mother
40) Hunter reports sick for work
41) Stephen calls Hunter
42) Humphrey's children are already home
43) Humphrey strikes again
44) Young lad, Sheldon Norris, sees Humphrey's (Hunter) face
45) Young lad tells his mother
46) Young lad's mother, Shirley Norris calls police
47) Police makes an arrest
48) Humphrey's wife overreacts
49) Humphrey calls his mother
50) Humphrey puts down the phone in mother's ear
51) Hunter's lawyer questions him
52) Hunter patiently awaits bail
53) Hunter returns home

54) Hunter finds Humphrey in his house
55) Humphrey pulls from behind him a butcher knife
56) Hunter becomes scared
57) Hunter press last dial on cellular phone
58) Hunter calls Stephen on the last dial
59) Stephen calls police and goes with them
60) Hunter and Humphrey converse
61) Humphrey jumps at Tito and Chris' shout
62) Hunter hears Chris and Tito outside front door
63) Hunter tries to shout to students
64) Humphrey rushes to Hunter and stabs him with the butcher knife
65) Humphrey rushes to children
66) Chris stumbles off step
67) Tito is stabbed in the foot
68) Police arrives and finds Humphrey with knife in right hand
69) Humphrey is arrested
70) Ambulance arrived
71) Stephen rescues Hunter from inside his house
72) Police report goes out
73) Michelle pays Humphrey a visit in jail
74) Mummy Robinson visits son Hunter in the hospital
75) Chris' parents (Patrick Marville & Sophia Marville) and Tito's parents (Terek Mosquito & Deborah Mosquito) go to the hospital
76) Humphrey is charged with life in prison

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