Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Marisa's Mess revised

RIIIIIIIIIIInGGGGGGG! the bell signalling the end of lunch rang loudly through the hallways of St. Wilson's Secondary school. At the popular table in the lunch room, a group of boys started gathering their stuff while continuing their conversation. Two tables away Marissa Yearwood sat, pretending to read a history book, but really observing the taller of the four boys. She felt ridiculous but she couldnt help herself, she was so in love with David that it hurt, but she knew he would never go for a girl like her. His tall dark frame turned in her direction for a moment and Marissa sank lower in her chair so as not to get caught. For a second those gorgeous brown eyes met hers and then it was over, he was gone. Marissa sighed, grabbed her bag and headed for her next class.

After school, Marissa waited by the gate for her dad, watching enviously as the other kids piled the school bus. Her friend Jenny runs up beside her. " Hey girl what you up to? I thought you gone home by now." "Nah Jen waiting on my dad as usual girl, arent you supposed to be on that bus? Marissa motioned with her head toward the bus. "Girl you see the way them pushing, I does wait till them calm down, then I get on, you lucky that you does get a ride home." Marissa laughed " I lucky?, no girl you is de lucky one, I wish that just once I could catch de bus and experience some of those stories you does tell me bout, but my father so anal bout everything, he would never let me." "Dont worry bout it girl trust me when I tell you that you aint missing nuting." Jenny replied as she started toward the bus." Anyhow girl catch ya later." she ran towards the almost packed bus. Marissa watching her sighed loudly, unaware of the person who had walked up behind her.She made a loud gasp and dropped her books when a hand unexpectedly touched her shoulder. " I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you. Let me help you with that!' David said as he bent to help Marissa, who was already on the floor picking up her books. Marissa looked up as he bent to help and their eyes met. She blushed " I really didnt mean to scare yoou Marissa, I just wanted to ask you something" Her heart melted, he knew her name she couldn't believe it. " you want to talk to me?" She asked, a little more shocked than she intended to sound. David chuckled " Don't sound so surprised. I wanted to know if I could borrow your history notes from class yesterday?" "Oh." Marrissa replied as her heart sank. "Sure, I can bring them for you on Monday." "Thanks but that wont do." David said shaking his head in disagreement" Marissa was confused. David smiled " It would spoil my plans." "Plans?" Marissa replied definitely confused. " Yeah, you see I was planning on picking them up on saturday, when I pick you up for our date." "Daaate? Arre you asking me out? Me?" Marissa knew she sounded like an idiot but she couldn't help herself "Yeesss I amm" David replied mocking her obvious nervious stutter. " Well are you turning me down? He was still smiling as if he knew he was asking a stupid question. "No! um no" "I would love to " She replied with a silly grin. "good Saturday then I can".... BeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeP!!! A loud horn interupted his final words as her Dad sat impatiently in the car signaling her to come. "I gotta go um bye" The words stumbled out of her mouth as she hurried to get into the car.

"Who was that boy Marissa? I hope you are not disobeying my rules?" Her fathers voice was stern but quiet, the way it always gets when he was annoyed. " Dad, come on, he is just a boy from school thats all, I am not disobeying anything." Marissa was really getting tired of all these rules. " Don't give me lip girl, I saw you talking to that boy and you know how I feel about you and boys and you choose to disobey me and out hey smiling up at a boy." He was getting angry now and Marissa knew it but she really didn't care. "Daddy I wasn't smiling up at nobody, David only ask me about notes, besides he is a nice guy so what is the problem?" "Marissa you know full well I tell you to stay away from wild boys, them aint nutin but trouble and further more you know that I am against you having any boyfriend, you too young." he was very aggitated "Daddy why you have such a problem wid me and boys, I was only talking bout school work so what wrong wid that, besides I am seventeen and all my friends got boyfriends!" Girl shut your mouth with that rude talk! Young people should know their place! Seventeen aint no age for no boyfriend, you dont need nutin but to pass you school work! Frankly I dont want to hear anything more about any of this, what I say goes, no boys and that is final!." He was livid and Marissa knew she could push him no further. Her dad was just too set in his ways, she was seventeen years old, she could take care of herself. Her dad was just stubborn but Marissa wasnt going to let him spoil things for her, not this time. David had finally asked her out and she was going, . She sat in the back of the car smiling to herself all the way home.

Her mom was in the kitchen when they reached home. Marissa entered first followed by her dad who was still obviously upset. "Hi mom" she said " Hi dear" Her mom replied. She glanced over at her husband "Something wrong honey? "hmm! Your daughter has decided that she is woman, I go to pick her up and she is openly chatting and smiling up wid some boy and then giving me lip on top of all that." He said annoyed. Patrice sighed at her husband, she felt that he could lighten up sometimes but she dare not say it. " I am going to my room." Marissa announced not wanting to hear her fathers rantings. "Go ahead honey, your dad and I will talk." Marissa didnt need to be told twice she ran up the stairs, into her room and closed the door. Despite the door being closed she could still hear her father reanting on to her mother, she rolls her eyes and grabs the phone from her bedside dialling Jenny.

Jenny answers her phone. "Yelllloooooow ooh?" Marissa couldnt wait to start talking." Gilr guess who talk to me when you left, guess girl" she was gigling foolishly "Ok um Bill Cosby." She laughed "Jenny!" Marissa stupes' " Girl you wont believe it but David walk up to me girl and ask me out, girl i got a date wid David tomorrow!"She was so excited she had to try to contain herself . She looks back to makesure no one had heard her." David! wow girl nice but wait marissa you father letting you go on a date? how you get that one work out? "Well what you dont know wont hurt you Jenny, he and my mother going to some dinner and show tomorrow so it is perfect, I will be out and back before them dun eat girl." She said still giggling. "Marissa I hope you know what you doing girl cause if you get catch you tail roast, anyhow, David yummy so he worth it." Jenny laughs at herself "Enjoy for me and you girl enjoy! She laughs again. Marissa laughs too. Just then her bedroom door opens " "Marissa get off that phone and come down for supper!" marissa sighs "Jenny I gone, will hear ya lata." "Bye girly." Marissa hangs up and follow her dad down the stairs.

On the other side of town Jake was at the dining room table busy, trying to finish up a maths assignment that he had to hand in on Monday. "Possssst!" the postwoman sang as she tossed four envelopes through the window. Jake sucked his teeth as they hit the floor. " All de time she does just pelt de mail anywhere." He grumbled as he bent to pick them up. As he returned to the table he notices his name on one of the envelopes. Jake opens the envelope and begins to read the letter. His expression changes to one of sulleness as he sighs deeply. Just then his brother's voice breaks the silence " Jake?" Trent yells, "Yo bro get out hey and help me wid dese cokenuts." Jake quickly hides the letter under his books and runs to help his brother bring the two hands of coconuts inside. Trent resting his cutlass by the front door looks up at his brother with a smile on his face "Man today I sell two tourists coconut water for twenty-five dollars each ya and dem buy it straight from de shell." Trent laughs "I mek fifty easy dollars man, I wish more tourists did pass" he continued laughing as Jake gave him a look. "Well dont celebrate your con too quick there hustler cause de bills just come." he replied and looked back at his books. "Shit man already, stupse," Trent walks over picks up the bills on the table." $200.00 for a light bill! what de hell! he shouted. He was no longer in a fun mood. "This is all of dem late nights that you does be up bout hey wid de light on and pun dat computa, man I tired paying bills you bring bout hey." Trent wasnt smiling anymore. "Trent why you does always blame me for everyting. you does waste more light bout hey than me besides you know I got to study." Jake was tired of his brother always trying to make him feel guilty about everything, besides he had his own problems to worry about. "If not fuh you I would be rich and famous now wid all de money I want, not cutting cokenuts when de days come. You is a pin in my backside, you lucky that I promise mummy to tek care of you." He was in a bad mood now "And get all of you rubbish off de table too, A man come home from wukking hard and want to sit down at he table and relax and you got de place miserable." Jake sucks his teeth, picks up his books inadvertently dropping the letter he was reading. He heads to his room and closes the door. Trent notices the letter on the floor and picks it up, sits at the table reading it and smiles while looking towards his brother's room.

The next evening, Marissa is in her room under her covers reading, as her mom and dad walks in. "Were going babygirl." Her dad said smiling. " " Oh ok have a good time." she replied. "Remember no visitors and no phone calls while were gone ok?" He said " I Know Dad" she sighed "I know." "Give her a break honey she knows the rules." Patrice Yearwood said. "Break? When children get breaks is when they get wild! I bringing up a daughter who is well behaved and obedient, not a wild girl! He retorted getting ready to start on his wife for her outburst. "Ok dear ok your right. "Anyhow dear its getting late, honey..." looking at Marissa " Were gone." Leaving her room Patrice turned and gave her daughter an apologetic half smile and then they were gone. "Click" went the front door and Marissa jumped out of bed. She stops in front of her bedroom mirror and scolds herself mockingly. "No!No!No! You are two young for partying Marissa and boys Marissa and fun Marissa and life!" Stupse. Marisa grumbled mockingly. As she began to dress, a sly smile forcing its way from her lips. She peered through her bedroom window, watching her parents as they drove away. A sense freedom washes over her, followed by apprehension. She realises that this would be the first time that she would ever go against her parents wishes. But how could she not? Marissa loved her parents very much, but she also loved David and he had finally asked her out, after so many months of trying to get his attention, so she couldnt let a little rule like no partying get in her way. Besides, She was seventeen years old and her parents would never find out anyway, they were going to be gone for the evening, not expected back until long after she had planned to be home, so what harm could be done. Her thoughts were interupted by a loud sharp toot peircing the air, "shoot!" Marissa muttered as she stumbled and scurried down the stairs. She jumped into her boots and jiggled her keys in the door, smiling to herself once again, thinking about what a good time she is going to have as she ran to a waiting David sitting in his car.

"Where are we going?" Marissa asks excitedly. "To my uncles club, the party there is always great and the drinks are free! David laughs "Ok sounds great. I am glad you asked me too go." She smiles shyly " I'm glad you came, we are going to have a great time, I know you'll like the club." He smiled at her and Marissa knew felt that she was in heaven.

At the Bascombe household, Jake was at home reading a History novel when the phone rings "Yea bro, me, meet me outside Scotty's bar at midnight." Jake sighed "man bro Igot to much work to do I aint got no time to party tonight. "He replied " I aint asking, you understand?" Trent's voice was mean "I gine be waiting, so midnight" before Jake could say anymore the phone went dead. Looking up ath the clock which read 11:30pm Jake shakes his head grabs his jacket and leaves the house. Outside the neighbourhood was quiet tonight he thught as he began to walk down the sidewalk. A lone taxi passes him as he disappears around the corner.

Inside Batt's Rock Bar and Lime, the party was swinging and Marissa was too. She and David were having a great time, dancing and laughing as if they were the only two people in the club. They danced for hours and Marissa was loving every minute of it, she wanted to stay in Davids arms forever, "This is so great!" she said as she stared into his dark brown eyes. He smiled at her, " Yeah, it is! I need another drink!" He grabbed her arm and half staggered over to the bar and raising his hand at the bartender who brings him another vodka. " You've had quite a bit of those David" She said concerned "These? He laughed loudly , girl I can drinks these all night, aint going to do me nuting" He laughed loudly again as he stumbles slightly off the chair.Marissa knew different, She realised that he was not quite himself. "Maybe this should be your late one." She suggested "Girl dont be silly, I good, dont start spoiling de party now I having a good time with you Marissa!" His reply was like a jolt of reality. Time! SHOOT! she thought, what the hell time was it! Glancing at her wrist, Marissa's joy suddenly turned to panic, she had little over an hour to get home if she was going to live to see another day! "David, can you take me home now please?" She felt like such a fool asking him, damn her parents! "Why?" He asked surprise and confusion clouding his face. "We were having such a great time? Did I do something wrong?" Marissa felt stupid hearing the words come out of her mouth " Well I kinda have a curfew? she lied avoiding his shocked and slightly annoyed stare "A curfew? you have got to be kidding me! I'm not ready to leave the party so soon Marissa, come on, forget curfew lets party some more." He grabs his drink and begins rocking to the music. Marissa , grabs his drink and puts it on the counter. Grabbing him by the shoulders she desperatly trys to make him listen. " David, you dont understand, I have to go NOW!" "OK OK dont get so excited we can go" Marsissa sighed with relief. As David took out his keys the bartender wander overas grabs them out of his hand "Oh no you dont Davey, your uncle would kill me if I let you drive home in your condition." Marissa couldn't believe it. She turns to the bartender " You dont understand, he has to take me home NOW! 'Well sorry miss but he aint driving nowhere in his condition.: The bartender replied and walked away to serve another customer. "Marissa began to panic. "David how am I going to get home? " David smiles drunkenly "Dont worry baby my uncle will take us when de party dun." He continues rocking drunkenly to the music. "David I cant wait that long I have to get home now!" She was defintely panicked now. A few tears rolled down her cheek. "Awww dont cry baby girl, here take this money and go get a taxi, dem does pass right in front de club alright. See ya lata baby." He said as he put the money in her hand, waving good bye before she even moved. Marissa looked at the money for a second, sighed heavily and made her way to the exit. She made her way outside the door just in time to see a taxi drive past the club, another tear rolled down her cheek.

Maurice the cab driver was singing loudly and off key as he happily drove home. suddenly his phone rang " Yea, oh hi honey I on my way home now, cheese on bread babe! I just past de gas station, what you want now? He rolls his eye as he got his instruction, just then his gas light started flashing. "stupes alright I going, you lucky I got to get gas anyway, yeah yeah i will see you when I get home." closing his cell phone he grumbles "Women!" and turns his taxi around.

Outside the club, Marissa, wiping the tears from her face, frantically scans the empty streets for a saviour, An overloaded ZR van turns the corner, cutting the curb dangerously close, music pounding. The driver slows up enough for the conducter to ask Marissa a question "yeah sis , you want this hey, jump in." He shouted as the driver turned the music down. Marissa took one step forward, looked at the people in the van squezzed together like sardines, hesitated then took a step back " Man carry long de van she wasting time and time is money!" with the conductors words the driver screeched off leaving Marissa behind. "Wait Wait I want the van, I want the van!" she cried behind them as she realised her only ride was leaving, but it was too late the music was pounding once again and the van disappeared around the corner. Tears streamed down Marissa's face as she continued to search the now empty streets ever so often glancing at her watch, her hope fading with every tick of the clock. Finally a taxi cab breaks the curb and heads in her direction. Marissa practically jumps in front of the taxi in her desperation to stop it. The taxi driver sreeches to a stop. "Clermont Heights, quickly please!" She anxoiusly yelled at the driver as she climbed in the back seat. Maurice take one look at the young lady's deperate face." Sure miss but I was kinda heading for gas, so I'm going to have to make a stop at the gas station first! Another impatient glance at her watch told her she needed to get home now if she was going to get there with time to spare. she glanced through the window, not another ride in sight, sighing she nodded her aprroval to the chubby toothless grin that glared at her throught the rear view mirror.

"Bad night huh?" Marissa didnt respond. Maurice continued anyway. "I know what thats like, I got a pregnant wife home and she makes every night a bad night wid dese cravings." He laughs Marissa half smiles and looks out the window." Maurice continues not really caring whether or not she was listening." She got me running hey dey and everywhere to get sardines, pickles and all kinds of crazy things. Tonight it is icecream and tuna." Marissa clooses her eyes in hopes that he would just shut up and drive but Maurice continues talking without missing a breath.

Outside Scotty's Jake walks up to his brother who is sitting on the step of the closed bar. "Whats up wid this bro, why you tell me meet down hey, de place shut up tight."
"dont mind that dog, come hey and check this out!" Jake walks over to his brother Trent . "Yeah bro wats up? " he asks curiously "Money,Money ,bro thats what's up. check this out. He point over to the gas station across the street. " I've been watching the place for a while now, business good man, business good." "So?" Jake asks confused " " So I want some of that goodness. I got a plan bro," He grabs a bag from next to his side and begins to pull out to small revolvers. Jake stares in shock. "Only one body at de pump and one inside bro, easy pickings man, we could be in and out of dey wid a bundle before you could blink twice." A smile creeps onto to Trent's usually stern face. " Trent, bro, you aint talking bout robbing de gas station cause that is madness! Bad idea man, I aint want no part of dat bro, none at all." Jakes backs away from his brother as if trying to escape the idea. "So why it is a bad idea huh? cause I come up wid it? Trent grunts as he closes the gap between them. " cause I aint got big brains to go to unversity like you my plan stupid?" Trent was really angry now and grabs his brother by the shirt " You only got big brains because of me, you hear? If I didnt have to mind taking care of you while mummy work, I would got big brains too!" He releases his hold on his brother"Besides this for you too you know, not only me, if we dont do this how else you gine pay for your fancy school? You gine come cut coconuts wid me? that is a lot of cutting." Trent laughs at his own joke. Sitting up Jake replies shocked " How you know about that? "I saw de letter man, so dont pretend yu high and mighty, this is de only way and you know it. Jake looks defeatedly at his brother
" I dont know bro, I just have a bad feeling bout this , isnt there another way? "Look Jake, this gine be cake, nobody aint bout hey look" Jake looks across at the empty station. " and only two people woorking, two girl besides , easy to tek down." " So you in right?, you ready right? right bro?" Trent persisted. Jake unhappily nodded "right." he sighs and takes the gun from his brother.

Pulling into Black Rock Gas Station, the taxi driver pulls up to the pump. A short, slim girl with a boyish walk casually makes her way to the car. "Yeah goodnight, how much?" She asks the Driver. "Fifty please" He replied "one five or five zero?" she questions him again while smacking her gum loudly. Marissa sucks her teeth. "five zero sweety." The driver answers while searching his wallet for cash. " Oh shoot, I got to go inside to the ATM, aint got enough cash" The Driver grinned apologetically at the attendant. Marissa sucks her teeth even louder and sighs loudly. "Well go long cause I aint pumping gas unless you got money, wunna does like to come in de gas station and dont got no money then I got to put it back from my pocket, you shout me when you get through, I gine back cross hey in de lunchroom and chill." "alright sis." the driver replies as he turns to Marissa "Need anything while i'm in there ?" he asks smiling toothlessly again. "NO! just go get the money so you can pay for the gas and HURRY UP! She knew she sounded annoyed when the cab driver's toothless grin turn to a look of hurt, but he didnt understand that she needed to get home now!. She sat in the car thumping her fingers on the handrest as she watch the chubby driver attempt to run into the station.

Maurice the cab driver puts his weight on the door while wondering what the hell could the young lady's problem. He was actually on his way home when she had jump in front of his cab. Didnt she know he was doing her a favour? His thoughts were interupted when he felt a sudden jerk on his arm. Raising his head for the first time Maurice paused with fear. He was staring down the barrel of a gun! "Get down on the floor fatso! Maurice dared not look at the face behind the voice. As he sunk to the floor, he then noticed the scared young girl behind the counter who was trembling while handing money over to another gunman. Oh Shit! he thought, just my luck! Sirens whispered in the distance. The guy standing behind him shouts " Hurry up man we got to get out of here!" " I got it, I got the cash lets go" the second gunman replied "lets go!. "

Trent and Jake ran hurriedly outside the automart, while the wailing of sirens approached from the distance. "Shit Trent, de police!" " I told you this was a bad idea!" Jake shouted as the sirens seemed to be getting closer. " Man shut up and just follow me nuh," Trent he scans the area for an escape. He notices the taxi just sitting there as if begging him take it "come on!" he shouts at Jake who seems frozen to the spot. He grabs his brothers arm and yanks him toward the open taxi which seemed to be inviting him in.

Marissa was lost in the thought of how her parents were going to torture her. She sat with her head in her hands mumbling " Just come on already!" Just then the door slammed." Its about tim...... a loud gasp escaped her lips as two strangers jumped into the taxi and closed the door.
"Shit Trent there is someone in here! Jakes looks a scared Marissa in the face "Whats going on, who are you guys" Marissa asks confused "Well I guess she going for a ride bro, hang tight honey." Trent revs the engine and screeches out of the station, the police car turns the corner as Marissa's screams faded away in the distance.

Police sirens blared through the streets in hot pursuit of the taxi cab. Officer Jackson was on his way to the gas station for a his break when they called in a robbery, he got their just in time to see the guys hijack a taxi and he was now in hot pursuit. He understood from the radio in that a young girl was in the getaway vehicle when it was hijacked so he would have to proceed with great care.

In the car Marissa was frozen with fear, she started to panic and screamed, her scream deafening in the small vehicle. "Shut up bitch, shut up before I stick this gun down your throat! Marissa hushed "Bro keep her quiet she is giving me a headache and it is the last thing I need wid this blasted police pun my ass!" Jake stared at the terrified young lady " Quiet nuh, you dont want to get shoot, just keep quiet. She looked at the gunman staring back at her, he was limply pointing his gun in her direction and was practically pleading with her and seemed to be just as afraid as she was. "Why did you take me? why?" she sobbed " Sorry, we didnt mean too, is just that we wanted to get away and..." " Jake shut up, wa you telling she sorry fa, you aint do she nuting, tell she shut up or I gine do she sumting." Jake put his hands to his lips hushing any more questions. Marissa obeyed.

What the ass gine on hey now, de rasgate car slowing down" Trent said as he repeatedly stamped on de gas and pounded his fist as the car slowed to a stop. "What happening bro why you stopping? " Jake asked the fear evident as the police car was closing the distance between them. " I look like I stopping ya idiot de blasted car run out of gas, shit man!" Trent was really pissed now. Jake suspected that he was as scared as he was. "Wah we going do bro, wat to do?" Jake was trembling the gun shaking terribly as he watched the policeman get out of his vehicle and pointed his gun at the taxi. Marissa sank lower in the seat afraid that the gun might go off. Her movements alerted Trent to her presence once again. " Ya know all dat big brain you got aint fuh nutin," he said to his brother as he looked at Marissa "Get out girl, you is we only way out of this." Marissa didnt move, she was frozen to her chair and very afraid of Trent. "Get Out! and do it slowly. H yelled pointing his gun. Marissa opens the door and Trent climbs out at the same time using Marissa as his sheild. Once completely out of the vehicle he grabs Marissa by the neck stabbing her temple with the gun. "Get behind me bro." He signals to Jake, who obeys. " Let the girl go and put your weapons down! Come on Boys you dont want to hurt anybody. Surrender yourselves, it's not too late to stop this! Officer Morgan shouted towards the two men that he realized were scared. "c'mon Trent lets just give up man, Let the girl go" Jake tried to convince his brother who was having no part of it "No, stay back or i'll shoot the girl!" Marissa gasped for air as his hold tightened. "Please please please." She begged " Dont kill me please" tears flowed from her face " Let the girl go, drop your weapon son." Officer Morgan's voice was stern but cautious. More sirens filled the air, back up was on the way. Jake started to put his gun down "I surrender" he shouted "Dont shoot me I give up!" Trent swings to face his brother " Jake what are you doing man, pick up the gun, pick up yoour gun Jake! Marissa saw her opportunity. Trent's focus was on his brother, his hold had loosened, it was now or never. She yanked herself forward and ran towards the policeman. Trent surprised pointed his gun towards Marissa, Officer Morgan raises his weapon. Jakes jumps forward knocking Marissa out of the way as a gun goes off. Marissa screams, Offircer Morgan rushes to her side as Trent drops his weapon and rushes to his brother's side " Jake, Jake you alright bro, Jake ,Jake" Trent shouts to an unresponsive Jake lying limply in his arms. Tears flowing from his eyes as he realises that he has killed his brother. Back up officers arrive and grab Trent who resists, screaming his brother's name over and over. Officers haul him away to the waiting police car. Marissa, secured in Officer Morgans arms watches in shock and disbelief.

At the police station Marissa gave her report to Officer Morgan. When she was finished he brought her some juice and asked " Do you have someone to call to take you home?" Marissa nodded sullenly. "Thats ok dear i'll take you" with that he grabbed Marissa by the arm and led her through the station.

"Are you going to be alright?" Officer Morgan asks as Marissa slowly and apprehensively opened the door. " I'll be fine thanks." She replied still shaken but more afraid of what or who was on the other side of the door. She stepped inside closing the door behind her. Her heart raced as she tiptoes up the stair half expecting that at any moment her that dad's screaming voice will fill the air. Marissa reached her room to her and realisation crept over her, she almost couldn't believe it. She had made it home before her parents. After all of that she had made it home. Marissa quickly undressed, happy yet shaken, as she put her night shirt on she heard her parents car pull into the driveway, she quickly finished undressing and hopped into bed pretending to be asleep. He parents enter the house and her dad walks up the stairs to her room.

"Marissa you asleep?" her dad asked as he peeped through her bedroom door. " Oh hi dad yawwwn" Marissa replied acting as though she had just woken up. "You now getting in?" She asks glancing at the clock above her bedroom door. "Yes, you wouldnt believe that the highway was blocked, some guy was shot by police tonight." Erskine replied as he walked down the stairs. As he entered the kicthen he turned on the television. Upstairs Marissa layed in bed remembering all that she had been through that night. Downstairs the late night news poured out of the television "In our main story tonight a robbery gone bad. These two brothers pictured here robbed the black rock gas station tonight and made a bad choice of getaway vehicle when they hijacked a taxi that had an amost empty gas tank. Not only that, the robbers inadvertently kidnapped a seventeen year old passenger who was waiting in the cab. Robbers led police on a highspeed chase which end badly when the taxi ran out of gas and the robbers held police at a standoff using the young lady as a shield. In what was described as a moment of confusion one brother shot and killed the other while the young lady escaped. Tonight the victim, Marissa Yearwood is said to be shaken but unhurt. Hearing her name on the tv Marissa sat up mortified and waited. She didnt have to wait long because her dad did not disappoint

"MARISSSSSSSAAAAAA!!!!!! who would save her now she thought, who would save her now.

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