Hunter and Humphrey Robinson are identical twin brothers. Hunter is a single unattached Mathematics Teacher, and Humphrey is a well known Doctor (Surgeon) who is married with three children (two girls and one boy). Humphrey the surgeon is the Heart Man, but his brother Hunter is accused as the Heart Man. The Heart Man killed many children. This is how it begun.
(Flashback) Humphrey Robinson is caught by the police outside Hunter's home with a bloody knife in his hand over two injured children. Humphrey is handcuffed and pushed into the polices' vehicle.
Hunter Robinson is teaching Mathematics at Lodge Secondary School. Hunter: "Does anyone knows the solution to this problem? Ahh! Yes Chris." Chris: "Is it x square - 2 square?" Hunter: (With a smile on his face)"Chris, that isn't it. More lessons for you. Anyone else? Ahh! (Saying slowly) Tito." Tito: "2 square + x square." Hunter: "Ok, you too should come to lessons. (He waits patiently) Ok....lessons for all of you after school." The children sigh in regret. Chris and Tito look at each other with a sporty smile on their faces. Hunter looks at the students and smile.
In the meantime, Humphrey Robinson is at the hospital taking care of his patients. He is in the room monitoring his patient, Susan McCastie's heart. She recently had bypass surgery. He is interrupted with a sudden call from his wife. Michelle Robinson: "Honey can you pick up the children from school this afternoon? I am very busy at work and I don't think I am going to leave the lawyer firm early today." Humphrey: "I have patients to attend to sweet heart. (sigh. Looks at watch) Ok! I'll pick them up." Michelle Robinson: "Thanks! (Says it slowly) Love you honey." Humphrey: "Love you too, dear." Humphrey tells the nurses he is leaving early today. "Any emergencies, you know what to do." Nurse Pace: "Ok doctor."
Humphrey goes and pick up his three children. While picking up his son, Ramiah Robinson, he ran into his brother Hunter who was rushing to go and start lessons. Humphrey: "Hi lil bro." Hunter: "Wait, what are you doing here?" Humphrey: "Hunter I have a son that goes here." Hunter: "I didn't mean it like that. I know you do, but usually your wife Michelle comes and pick him up. I know you are usually busy, so I was just surprised that's all. Anyhow, I have lessons to get to." Humphrey: "Lessons? What! You can't do the job right during school hours?" Hunter: "No that's not it at all. Some students just need the extra classes to help them along." Humphrey: "Yeah, right! So you usually have lessons all week?" Hunter: "No only on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Saturdays at my home to those who desire to come." Humphrey: "Wow! That's good man." Hunter: "Anyhow, I have to go." Humphrey: "Yeah me too. I have to get these children home, so you take care." Hunter: "Yeah, you too."
Late that evening one of Hunter's students were killed while walking home through the cane fields from school. His name was Dwayne Husbands. Someone killed him, took out his heart and left him lying there. No one didn't know he was killed. They only knew he appeared missing. Hunter was questioned by the principal as to what happened when his student left school. Principal Alleyne: "Hunter are you sure that every one of these students left before you left?" Hunter: "Yes and I did not see or hear anything strange. I waited until everyone left before I left." Principal: "Ok, that is what I will tell his mother then." Two days later while the school children were playing they smell this terrible smell coming from the nearby cane fields. They approached the cane fields to find a body lying there. The police was called in to investigate the scene. They identified the dead body as Dwayne Husbands who was missing days earlier. His decayed heart was unattached from his body, and rested on top of his chest. The news of this shocked Hunter and he was there and then investigated by the police. Lieutenant Barry: "Hunter are you sure you do not know what happened to this boy." Hunter: "No. We had lessons as usual and I left when everyone had left. This never happened. This school is always safe. It is well guarded. I don't know how he died...well I mean, how he could have been killed here." Lieutenant: "Ok Hunter, we will stay in touch."
Police report went out that Dwayne Husbands, the missing boy from the Lodge school appeared dead and his decayed heart was rested on his chest. Humphrey hearing this news at the hospital acted concern in the presence of his work colleagues. Nurse Pace: "Doctor Robinson, isn't that the school your brother teaches at?" Humphrey: "Yes it is. I have to give him a call and see if he is alright." The phone rings in the staffroom. Hunter answers it. Humphrey: "Lil bro. Are you ok? I heard the news. You've got to be terrified." Hunter: "Yes I am. He was one of my students. You were here earlier. Did you see anything suspicious? I mean you wouldn't know the usual atmosphere around here, but did anything look odd." Humphrey: "No Hunter. I am sorry I cannot help you." Hunter: "That's ok. The school would never be the same. Later Humphrey!"
The evening that same day, Hunter stayed back to plan his lessons for the next evening. After completing that process, and about to enter his vehicle, he realised Tony Boyce, a student from the school was still there waiting for his ride to come for him. Hunter responded to him, "Is someone coming for you?" Tony: "Yes sir! My mum is coming for me." Hunter: "Are you sure? It is getting really late. What is your mum's number?" Tony tells Hunter his mum's number and Hunter asked him for his mother's name. Hunter: "Good evening. This is Hunter from the Lodge school. I am calling about your son. Are you still coming for him because it is really getting late. The guard is soon going to leave here and he would be the only one left here. Harriet Boyce: "Oh dear. I am really busy here." Hunter: "Can't his dad come and pick him up?" Harriet: "No actually. He has a late night shift." Hunter: "Ok! Where is your job located?" Harriet gives Hunter the name of her workplace and the address. Hunter tells her he will drop off her son. She welcomes the idea gladly, and responded, "thank you." The security guard Kevin, saw when the little boy went into Hunter's vehicle. Hunter nodded at the Guard Kevin letting him know he was leaving. Kevin nodded back at him saying, "Ok Teach!" Hunter dropped off Tony in front his mum's workplace. Tony never reached the building. He was grabbed before entering the building. Tony was found dead behind the parking lot soon after. Word got back to Tony's mum who lost track of the time because of work, that her son was murdered. The police was obviously called in and Hunter was also called by the police. He receive a call from the Sergeant Larry asking him to make his way down to the station for questioning. Hunter thought it was because of the investigations taken place that morning. When Hunter arrived, Sergeant Larry and Lieutenant Barry escorted him into a room. Hunter did not know what was going on. He willingly went to hear more disturbing news. Sergeant Larry: "Do you know why you were asked to come in?" Hunter: "Yeah I do." Sergeant Larry: "You do?" Hunter: "You guys called me in to ask me further questions on the Dwayne Husbands, who was found outside the Lodge school. Lieutenant you told me we will keep in touch." Lieutenant Barry: "Well, that crime still needs to be investigated, but we called you here because we know that you dropped off Tony to his mother's workplace. Hunter: "Yes I did. I asked her and she said to bring him. Sergeant Larry: "Only thing is you dropped him off dead." Hunter: "Huh? That boy was alive when I took him there. I watched him as he walked up the stairs. I drove off and went home. I did no such thing. Are you guys sure about this? Lieutenant Barry: "We are Lieutenant and Sergeant to you." Hunter: (Looks confused) "I did not kill that boy." Sergeant Larry: "Just like how you said you didn't kill the other one. You were the last person with that child. The guard saw you leaved with him. You got to be sick! People saw you and you still kill the boy. A mother is greaving because of you. Do you have children Hunter?" Hunter: "No I don't. Well not my own that is." Lieutenant Barry: "So in other words, you wouldn't know what it is like to loose a child of your own." Hunter just sits there and listens. Hunter: "I did not do any of this and you guys cannot keep me here against my will with no prove. Ask yourselves the question, why would I kill a child when everyone saw him leave with me? I protect my children, not put them in harms way." The police officers allows Hunter to leave.
That night, Hunter's twin brother Humphrey calls him. Humphrey: "I heard what happened. Are you ok?" Hunter: "I am fine. I have to go. I am talking to mummy on the other line." Humphrey: "Ok. Tell her I say good night." Humphrey frowns as he removes the phone from his ear to put it down. Hunter: "That was Humphrey. He told you good night." Mummy Robinson: " Ok. Hunter this does not look good. Whoever is doing these killings are setting you up big time, and there are doing a good job at it." Hunter: "I don't know what to do mummy. I look so guilty to everyone. I cannot face my students tomorrow. Everyone probably suspects that I am the killer. How did this happened mummy? Two innocent lives are gone. I know I did not kill anybody, but no one believes me." Mummy Robinson: "I believe you son. I know I did not raise a criminal. It isn't who you are, and it isn't in your nature to kill." Hunter: "Thanks mum! I really needed to hear that. I think I will call in sick and rest myself tomorrow." Mummy Robinson: "I don't think that you should, but if you need to, well do it. I'll check in on you tomorrow." Hunter: "Yeah do that."
The next day Hunter reported sick. Everyone got suspicious of Hunter. The principal of the school even, but even though he was suspicious, he still thought that Hunter couldn't have done it. Hunter's lawyer, Stephen, called him after hearing the news on the radio and television that Hunter is a suspect on the murders of the two boys. The name they give him was the Heart Man because the second boy who was murdered, had his heart taken out as well. The phone rings. Hunter hesitantly answers the phone. Hunter: "Hello!" Stephen: "Hunter, this is Stephen. I am not even going to ask how you are doing. I heard eveything. Why didn't you call me." Hunter: "I didn't see the need to call. I am not guilty and I just need to prove my innocence." Stephen: "Hunter this is no joke. You can get life in prison or death for this." Hunter: "Who is joking. You think I don't know the seriousness of this. I was doing well; educating students, now I am the number one suspect. The real killer is out there probably looking to kill again." Humphrey knew that Hunter was not at work that day, so he waited a great distance from the school until late that same day to strike again. His children were already home. Their mother, Humphrey's wife had already picked them up and taken them home. Humphrey's wife Michelle, thought Humphrey was still working at the hospital. Humphrey tried to kill again. As he grabbed the young fearful lad, Sheldon Norris, he elbow Humphrey's lower body and he pulled himself away. He saw the person who grabbed him and reported the incident to his mother Shirley Norris, who then reported it to the police. Lieutenant Barry and Sergeant Larry rushed to Hunter's home. On they arrival, Hunter was caught taking out the garbage. Lieutenant Barry and Sergeant Larry rushed to Hunter with handcuffs. Sergeant Larry: "You are under arrest. Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You are eligible for an attorney..." Hunter not knowing what was going on, shockingly enters the police vehicle. Police report came through that Hunter is the Heart Man. He attacked a young lad and he was not successful. The victim got a look at his attacker and saw it was his teacher, Hunter. Humphrey is home by this time and his wife Michelle is left in shock. She responds to Humphrey: "What is going on in your brother's head? How could he attack his students and kill them. My god Humphrey. That could have been our son he attacked. He goes to the damn school for goodness sake. Humphrey, what am I going to tell our children now. How can I prevent them from hearing that their uncle is a killer. Their teacher say the least. Have you called your mother?" Humphrey: "No I haven't." Michelle: "Well what are you waiting for? She is probably petrified. Her son a killer. Thank God he wasn't successful this time. Humphrey, for someone whose twin brother is the Heart Man, you don't seem shocked." Humphrey stares at her. He calls his mother. Humphrey: "Mum, did you hear the news? Hunter is the Heart Man. I would have never thought..." (Quickly interrupts) Mummy Robinson: "You would have never thought what? Your brother is innocent. He would have never do this. Why would he have waited all these years to kill his students. Someone is setting him up. I know my son. He is not a killer; furthermore, he knows nothing about removing peoples' hearts from their bodies. This killer is someone that have years of doing things like this. To say the least, a doctor..." Humphrey puts down the phone in his mother's ears.
Hunter waited in the questioning room for his lawyer Stephen to appear. Hunter: "This is terrible. I am being pinned with murders and attempted murders that I know nothing about. The young boy said he saw me. Either someone is looking and dressing like me, or I don't even want to think it, my twin brother is framing me." Stephen: "Why would he frame you? Aren't you all twins. Hmmm... All I know, this doesn't look good, so you will have to come up with something fast." Hunter: "Apart from the boy seeing me, do the police have anything to charge me with?" Stephen: "No actually." Hunter: "So I can go, right?" Stephen: "Well we have to get bail for you first. It is coming in from the judge. They don't usually do these documents so late, but I pleaded and begged on your behalf." Hunter: "Great, so I will just have to wait then." Hunter finally comes out on bail the next morning. He returns home to find Humphrey in his home. Hunter: "What are you doing here Humphrey? How did you get in?" Humphrey pulls out the butcher knife from behind him. Hunter is scared right about now. Hunter: (Saying it slowly) "What are you doing? Why do you have that knife in your hand?" Humphrey: "Shut up! Just shut up! You always had to be good." Hunter: "What! I am good. You are the surgeon for goodness sake. Everyone looks up to you. You have a wife and children for goodness sake." Humphrey: "Shut up! Leave my wife and kids out of this." Hunter presses the last call button on his cellular phone in his pocket. It so happens that the last call was made to his lawyer Stephen. Stephen listens to the conversation and calls the police in the meantime.
Humphrey: "You always had to have mummy's love and attention."
Hunter: "What are you talking about? We are twins Humphrey. Mummy loves you and I equally."
Humphrey: "No she doesn't. She always believed in you. Up to yesterday, she told me you would never kill a fella. All the evidence are staring you right in the face. You are guilty. Well actually I am, but we look so much alike that no one would never suspect me. I am a doctor, and what are you, a teacher?"
Hunter: "Humphrey you were the one who killed those two boys? (Hesitantly) Why? Why did you do it? Why them? What would have possessed you? You were the one who killed those children and you want me to be ok with it? I can't. Those boys looked up to me and you got rid of them. I don't believe what I am hearing. People will never trust their children around me, or even let their children near me again. You have stained and tarnished my reputation. Those mothers are grieving for their children. What if someone had kill your children? Your son? Your wife Humphrey. Your family. How could you do this to them? You are a doctor for heaven sake."
Humphrey: "Don't talk to me about being a doctor. I am a human being as well. I did everything that was ever good. I studied and I became a doctor just to get mummy's attention, and she never gave it to me. Even now that we are grown men, she always gives you her full attention. I never had that. Do you know what it feels like to be compared to you. I am brighter, smarter, intelliegent, knowledgeable than you are. I think our jobs speak for themselves, but still I am not good enough. Well, I am tired trying. I give up a long time ago. I decided I needed to get you out of the picture if I could ever be truly happy. I realised now that it wasn't killing those children. I should have kill you instead, along time ago because even in jail, you will still have mummy's love and compassion. She believes in you more so than she believes in me. I have to kill you and get you out of the picture."
In the meantime, Chris and Tito came to Hunter's home. They knocked on the door. Humphrey jumps when hearing their knocking. Hunter realises it is his students. He fearfully looks at Humphrey. Hunter tries to shout to the children to stay away, but Humphrey rushed at him and stabs him in the chest with the butcher knife. Hunter drops to the floor. Humphrey quickly opens the door and rushed outside to the children. Chris stumbles off the step, and Tito was stabbed in his right foot with the knife. The police arrive as Humphrey has the bloody butcher knife in his right hand. They arrested him and the ambulance quickly came for the three injured bodies. Stephen rushed inside to rescue his friend Hunter who was loosing blood rapidly.
Police report went out that Hunter's identical twin brother Humphrey, was the killer all along. He is the Heart Man. Humphrey's wife was in shock, even so his mother. While Humphrey's wife rushed to the police station in shocked, Mummy Robinson rushed to the hospital with sadness. Chris Marville's parents, Patrick and Sophia Marville, and Tito Mosquito's parents, Terek and Deborah Mosquito, came down to the hospital as well.
Three months later, Hunter was on bed rest, Chris was recovering, Tito was getting better, and Humphrey was charged with life in prison.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
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