Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Characters Background

1) Hunter Robinson (Central Character)

2) David Broomes (Secondary Character)

3) Tiger Broomes (Secondary Character)

4) Oscar Wilde (Secondary Character)

5) Shelia Broomes (Tertiary Character)

1) Hunter Robinson (Central Character)
Is the Heart Man and he is accustom to killing children. Robinson is a middle age man. He is 55 years old. Robinson was a teacher, who appeared nice and he loved children. However in his past time, he used to study other demonic cults, which dealt with human sacrifices to a god that no one knew of. He held lessons after school at his house and gain the trust of the children as well as their parents. One evening after school a child supposedly had lessons at his house (Shelia's daughter). She went missing and everyone accused him of her death. Eventually Mr. Robinson was forced out of the village.

2) David Broomes (Secondary Character)
A young 11 year old black boy who has a twin name Tiger. They both come from low economic backgrounds. David is kind, intelligent and tries to help his friend, but is easily led astray and is called soft boy. He is slim, tall and his hair is curly. He is good at spelling.

3) Tiger Broomes (Secondary Character)
Tiger is David's twin brother. Is rambunctious and likes to have his own way. He enjoys eating sweets which causes him to be heavier in size compared to his twin, David.

4) Oscar Wilde (Secondary Character)
Oscar is the same age as David and Tiger and they all go to school together. However, Oscar is a bit closer to Tiger because David is classified as a "goody two shoes". He is near sighted, wears glasses and enjoys being apart of the crowd.

5) Shelia Broomes (Tertiary Character)
She is Tiger and David's mother. She is 35 years old. She is a thick and curvy woman. She is very strict because of the death of her daughter. She is a single parent. She is a Care Taker. She is an over protective mother.

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