Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Plot Points

These are the plot points from our fictional story that we (Alicia and I) have been working on during the past week.

  1. School bell rang at Wilson's Secondary School
  2. Marissa is sitting at table observing the tallest of four boys.
  3. It is the end of school and Marissa is waiting at the gate for her father.
  4. David sneaks up behind her to ask her out
  5. Marissa says yes and is intrerupted by her father
  6. Her father addresses her about David while they are in the car
  7. On the other side of town, Trent informs his brother Jake of his plan to rob a gas station.
  8. Marissa waits until her parents leave to dress for David
  9. Marissa gets ready and David arrives.
  10. Marissa leaves her house with her boyfriend David to go to a nightclub
  11. She arrives at the club and parties with David
  12. Time passes and she realises that it is late and she needs to get home before her parents
  13. After frustratingly trying to reach David, she asks him to take her home
  14. During the discussion, an argument arises and David tells her that she should take a taxi
  15. Marissa furiously storms out of the club and hails the next taxi driving down the street
  16. Marissa gets a taxi and the driver signals that he is running out of gas
  17. They stop at a nearby gas station
  18. The taxi driver leaves the car to pay for his gas and suddenly robbers appear from nowhere
  19. The robbers robbed the gas station and are looking for a getaway vehicle
  20. Police sirens are heard and in a desperate attempt they seize the taxi
  21. Marissa tries desperately to get out of the car but she is restrained
  22. The robbers screech out of the gas station with Marissa held hostage
  23. The police are swiftly on the robbers tail and they are involved in a high speed chase
  24. While taken hostage Marissa ponders on what her parents told her
  25. The robbers desperately tries to get away from the police and the vehicle suddenly slows
  26. Realising that the gas light is flashing they become furious and edgy
  27. The robbers realise that it is only a matter of time before the police catch them.
  28. They pull the car to the curb
  29. Marissa is held at gunpoint by one of the robbers outside of the taxi.
  30. The police pull over and caution the robbers not to harm Marissa
  31. The robber holding Marissa is wounded on his right arm by a bullet
  32. The robbers are apprehended and Marissa is taken to give her statement
  33. News crews arrive on the scene
  34. Eventually Marissa is taken home safely by one of the police officers
  35. She rushes to change her clothes because she just made it in before her parents
  36. Her parents arrive home and Marissa pretends to be sleeping in her bed
  37. Her parents say goodnight and continues her false sleeping
  38. While preparing for bed her father turns on the television and views a news report of the incident that Marissa was inviolved in.
  39. Her father is furious and shouts Marissa's name
  40. Marissa thought she got away with it but now is in her father's court of law

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