Thursday, October 1, 2009

Treatment Of The Script

1. Mr. Jeffery Niles is finishing his evening lessons.
Late evening classroom, Children are being disruptive.

2. The children are disruptive and refuse to focus.
Children are passing around papers and making jokes.

3. He finds a note that someone has drawn of him as a serial killer.
Looks at the paper, then to the class.

4. The class runs out laughing at him.
Children grab their bags and books rushing out of the class.

5. Kimberly comes to ask him to walk her home.
The side door is opem, Kimberly is in the dorrway, watching Mr. Niles.
Shes talks to him for a bit.

6. They leave the compound and start walking through the neighborhood.
Late evening, outside the school yard, with vegtable feilds and cane ground.
A paved road with not too much traffic.

7. They both begin to talk about their interests and realize they have things in common.

8. They past the old town hall and sing a song and dance together.
Old town hall with an all female choir.
There is a garden with flowers where Kim and Jeff are.

9. Kim confides in Mr. Niles and tells him that she is no good and boys don't like her.
Paved road late evening.

10. Jeffery reassures her that she is worth something.
Jeff holds Kim's hand and talk to her gently.

11. It gets dark and they try to make it to Kim's house.
Dusk: They walk down the deserted cart road with cane feilds.

12. Kim gets scared at a noise and think it's the heart man, they both run to a beaten down old shack.
Kim and Jeffery got into an argument.
Kim runs in a shack.

13. Kim comes out with a secret, that she is in love with Jeffery and she made this
place for them and wants them to get together.
Inside the shack, lit candles and amber light.
Bed with flowers and jar with organs.
Kim puts on gloves at the table.

14. Jeffery refuses, and thinks the girl needs help. He goes to leave but is sprayed in the face with knock out spray and he soon feels paralyzed.
Jeffery is taunted by Kim.
Ether is sprayed into Jeff's face and he is stunned.

15. Kim cries and tells him that she is sorry, but if he wont love her and give him her heart, she is going to take it.
They are both on the floor in the shack.

16. She kills Jeffery, cuts out his heart and etches their names on it.

17. She then buries Jeffery out back behind the shack.
Outside in the cane ground, there is what seems to be little graves.
There is one that is fresh and already prepared fro someone to be buried in it.
There are shovles and tools for digging.

18. She then calls Henderson to walk her home the next evening after class.
Kim sits down on the bed with a cell phone.
She opens a book with all the men and boys that she killed.
She makes a call to Henderson

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